Paint Removal & Paint Over-spray Removal

Paint Removal & Paint Over-spray Removal

When the unexpected happens and a spray-painting job goes wrong and cars get over sprayed, it is always difficult to source a detailing company with the resources to remedy multiple cars paintwork. Detailing Adelaide have multiple highly trained car detailers who can be sent to a job site very quickly. It is surprising how many mistakes are made and a lot of detailers do not have the skill or experience to remove paint overspray. It is easy to permanently damage a vehicles duco if the wrong solvent or equipment is used.

Detailing Adelaide have an established process which is strictly adhered to and from which Detailing Adelaide have become known as the “Go To” detailing company to repair paint overspray or any type of over spray on any type of vehicle. Cement overspray is not uncommon particularly in the city, where multi storey buildings are going up and concrete is being poured from above car parks.